Change Your Mind and Mood with This Powerful Technique
Continue to let your eyes survey it and everything about it. Then permit your other senses to discover its texture, its fragrance (if one exists), and anything else about it. Close your eyes and take a gentle breath. Recall it in your mind. What do you recall about it? Can you sense anything else with your eyes closed now than you had sensed with your eyes open just a moment ago? As it lies in your palm with your fingers gently closed around it, begin to feel any heat that your palm is transferring to the object. Permit yourself to feel any change in temperature – – any at all. Repeat this exercise twice or three times each day for as long or as briefly as you like. Perhaps the energy you generate in your hand and transfer to the object is a great deal or perhaps it is not so much. It does not matter. The more you practice, the quicker you will be able to generate some sort of temperature change. When you are ready, try the exercise without the object. Imagine it. Then, generate heat in that palm that you transfer to the object as you imagine it. This will permit you to develop imagery and visualization skills. It will grant you moments of relaxation, relief from emotional or physical pain, and peace, and it will do so effectively the more you practice it. Use this exercise when you really need to do so. You might carry the object with you for this purpose or you may rely on your ability to imagine it, just as you practiced. Stay with it. It will work for you, if you do. This exercise will lead you to others that help you develop the power of your mind.
This is just one of many exercises that Dr Rosman’s years of mindfulness, meditation and stress management training have taught him so that he might teach you. Coaching is available. It is convenient, cost-effective and can be done in groups via SKYPE, Gmail Chat or even very successfully by phone.